Ann began volunteering at The Eric Liddell Community just over a year ago, after having been a carer for her father and her aunt. She had some time and wanted to give back, additionally, she says that she chose to volunteer “to spend time with members of the community that I don’t have in my own family and I may not otherwise meet. I really enjoy being in their company and the warmth, friendliness, fun, and interesting chat make for a good time for everyone.”
Ann started volunteering as a Befriender but has since joined the team that helps run the Wellbeing Lunch. “The lunches are a chance for the community to have an absolutely delicious lunch provided by Fiona and her team. Everything she makes is amazing and is very much appreciated by everyone. Our role is to serve the meals and make sure everyone has what they need. Around the table, friendships are made and the best thing is to hear the chat, laughter, and companionship that sharing a meal together can bring. Overhearing someone say to a fellow diner “It’s so good to talk to you” means something is working.”
In addition to the service that volunteering provides for our clients, Ann values the relationships she has cultivated with her fellow volunteers and ELC staff. “And the volunteers make friends too! Malin (ELC Service Coordinator) runs the show, creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere in the room and her great sense of humour and calmness is very much appreciated! It’s been great getting to know Ian and Jane and we have become a close team and all in all, we have a great time.”
Ann is a valued member of our volunteer team, and we are so grateful to have her giving her time to our programmes.