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Dementia Support

Dementia Support

In Scotland, over 90,000 people have dementia. It is most common in older people but can affect people in their 40s and 50s or even younger.
The Eric Liddell Community is here to support people living with dementia, through dementia inclusive activities, our specialist Day Care Service, befriending and more.

Person centred care

We run a varied programme of support for people living with dementia, including our flagship Day Care Service, to help ensure older people can fulfil their potential with dignity and equality and in a healthy environment. Our support offers people living with dementia, whatever their stage of diagnosis, and their families, the chance for vital respite. It strives to enable people living with dementia to stay in their homes for longer by improving the quality of their lives through excellent care and support.

Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal visiting The Eric Liddell Community

Services we offer for people
living with dementia

Day Care Service

Person-centred support and individually tailored programme of activities for people living with dementia.

Community Dementia Support

Group activities and social gatherings for people living with dementia and their carers.

Music Wellbeing Programme

Dementia inclusive music group for people living with dementia and their carers.

Day Care Service

One of our key services is our registered Day Care Service for older people with dementia or cognitive impairment which offers recreational, educational, cultural and social activities. For over 40 years we have been one of only a few specialist dementia services in the Edinburgh area with staff and volunteers trained and qualified to a level that enables us to provide a high level of service.

The Eric Liddell Community Day Care Service is dedicated to empowering clients to make informed choices and to engage with person-centred activities which meet their outcomes. We offer access to physical activity, sensory experience, a therapeutic garden, art, reminiscence work, music therapy and outings to places of interest.

The Day Care Service operates Monday to Friday. Transport for clients is available using South Edinburgh Amenities Group (SEAG). SEAG is a community transport operator which provides safe, accessible, door-to-door transport for clients. On arrival at the Community Hub, clients receive a light breakfast which includes fresh fruit. A hot, nutritious two course meal prepared on site by our chef is also provided as well as teas, coffees and refreshments.

What Day Care offers


Our range of meaningful, person-centred activities include discussion groups, open reading groups, knitting and sewing, seated and standing exercise, Tai Chi, dance, board games, baking, garden activities, manicure, hand massage and many more.

Community Outreach

Our dedicated staff also meet with people living with dementia in the community to visit a place of their choice and provide digital support on Zoom.

Multi-Sensory Room

The Eric Liddell Community Day Care Service is unique in offering people living with dementia access to a stimulating and intriguing environment that can heighten awareness and encourage participants to relax and engage with their surroundings in a safe, failure-free and non-clinical setting. Our Multi-Sensory Room optimises the effects of various stimulus and can have calming effects for people living with dementia.

Digital Support

All clients have the opportunity to learn how to use new technology and to grow more confident when using an IT device. We use an interactive ViewBoard for our person-centred activities and can provide one-to-one support for clients who wish to increase their knowledge of IT.

Community Dementia Support

Services offered

Liddell Lions Lunch break Programme

The Liddell Lions Lunch break Programme is a weekly lunch group attended by carers and people living with dementia. Participants share lunch together and participate in a variety of activities. These activities aim to bring people together and improve health and wellbeing.

Exercise Classes

Clients are offered appropriate physical activity groups and classes.

Friday Breaks

On Fridays we organise an activity away from the community hub. This is to connect with other local initiatives and do something different in the week. This could be anything from a visit to a garden, gallery or dementia friendly theatre.

“I had a great time yesterday [at the Liddell Lions Lunch break Programme]. I could not stop smiling on my way home. I don’t really have belly laughs anymore but I did yesterday. It was great to feel that feeling again.”

Music Wellbeing Programme

The Music Wellbeing Programme is a dementia inclusive activity, where people living with dementia and their carers gather in a relaxed setting with others in a similar situation to learn and practice music together to enhance health and wellbeing and reduce social isolation.

Particularly for clients living with dementia, the use of familiar songs and music has been widely researched and applied, due to the unique power that music has to evoke memories: people, places and life events can all come to the forefront of a person’s mind, strengthening a person’s sense of self – who they are and what they have done throughout their life.

Programmes offered

Eric’s Encore is a dementia inclusive music group. It is an opportunity to get together, play, sing, have fun and share memories through music.

Lunchtime and Afternoon Tea Concerts are open to anyone in our community to join a concert followed by a soup and sandwich lunch or an afternoon tea.

Playlist for life

We have been working with Playlist for Life as a Playlist for Life Help Point for several years. At The Eric Liddell Community we support people living with dementia to access free information, resources and to create personalised playlists.

“My mum really enjoys this every week, and she is always smiling when I see her after your sessions.”


Helpful links & information

We hope you will find the answers to your questions here, but if you require any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Duty of Candour Report

Daycare Referrals

Funding Information

Care Inspectorate Info

Herbert Protocol

The Eric Liddell Day Care Service