Following national advice and guidance from the government, the Eric Liddell Centre is now CLOSED until further notice!
COVID-19 Update – Day Care Service
Message from the CEO of the Eric Liddell Centre re Coronavirus (COVID-19) & social care response
I want to reassure you that we are taking all available measures to ensure the health and wellbeing of our service users and our carers.
A difficult decision has been taken by the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership to step down commissioned day opportunities until further notice – this includes the Eric Liddell Centres Day Care Service. Therefore, clients will no longer be able to attend the Eric Liddell Centre Day Care Service due to a pause in service provision, which will continue until further notice.
Alternative arrangements are being made to ensure that clients personally, or someone they care for, will continue to receive the support needed to remain at home and they will be contacted to confirm what these arrangements are. This may include home visits, telephone contact or alternative arrangements to meet individual needs.
If you require any further details or wish to discuss this further, please call our Day Care Manager, Caroline Heenan on 0131 357 1273.
In addition to the above, I have decided to follow the advice of the Edinburgh Health & Social Care Partnership and other partners/funders, that it is best to also pause our further care related services – Carers Programme, Befriending Service, Caring Soles (footcare service) and our Lunch Break Programme. My staff will be in contact with you to discuss how we might be able to provided alternative support in the present circumstances.
If you require any further details please contact our front desk on 0131 447 4520 who will connect you with the correct member of staff.
For further information, please visit:
Kind regards,
John MacMillan
CEO Eric Liddell Centre