A commemoration reception in memory of Eric Liddell, recognising his contribution toward forging a friendship between China and Scotland, was hosted by the Chinese Consulate General in Edinburgh at The Eric Liddell Community on Friday, 21 June 2024.

Consulate General Zhang Biao spoke about the impact Eric’s life and acts of service, highlighting his enduring legacy in China. Speeches were also delivered by the Rt Hon Alison Johnston, MSP, Presiding Officer, and the Rt. Hon. Lord Provost and Lord Lieutenant of the City of Edinburgh, Robert Aldridge.

The ceremony concluded with remarks from Patricia Liddell Russell, Eric’s daughter, who shared her experience of belonging to “three different countries” and expressed gratitude to the Chinese Consulate and The Eric Liddell 100 initiative for preserving her father’s memory.

The event concluded with a musical performance featuring traditional Chinese instruments.